Saturday, December 9, 2023

Commodore keyboards go wireless for my portable emulators

The c-simple-emu6502-cbm project supports a number of ESP32 platforms to provide a subset of Commodore C64 (and Vic-20, C128) emulation, and many currently include BLE keyboard support.  Originally for CardKB only, now I have added BLE support for Commodore keyboards (20 to 25 pins) to the m5, T-Display-S3, and ESP32-8048S070-7inch ports/branches into the encapsulated BLE_commodore_keyboard_server Arduino sketch.

BLE options: (a) Commodore keyboard (b) CardKB

No expense spared for these awesome graphics, seems retro eh?

While I have wired in the full C128DCR keyboard in the past using a circuit and software sketch with an Adafruit ItsyBitsy, now I trade the wire with another ESP32 and BLE communications.

M5Stick-C with CardKB BLE connected to T-Display-S3

Actually we already had BLE CardKB support, and the protocol for the hard wired keyboard is exactly the same as sent over BLE (string of active C64 and C128 scan codes), it was just a little bit of further coding to make the choice between CardKB and hardwired keyboard.   In fact, that code was already present for CardKB or hardwired keyboard in the M5 branch itself.  The tiny bit of extra work was to duplicate that in the BLE keyboard server project.   And voila!  More options all the way around.

Wired keyboards (a) Commodore (b) CardKB (c) Chrome Browser

There were already three options for wired keyboards.  And three common Commodore keyboards were represented, because they all have compatible pinouts, and because I do have both Vic-20 and C128DCR at home.

Dropping the wire from the wearable (or other ESP32 emulators) adds convenience to mobility, and also defers the need to support wired connections to any ESP32s missing Grove connectors and any that are not 5V tolerant, as both the ItsyBitsy and CardKB use 5V interfacing.   BLE support, and improved BLE support provide more options to the emulators running on hardware such as the T-Display-S3 and the 7"LCD ports without any hardware interventions.  While these latter ports would require extra circuitry for hardwired serial or I2C connections including 5V to 3V3 interfacing, using BLE means that the existing circuit support on the M5Stick-C acting as the BLE server can wire to those keyboards instead.  Going wireless provides the equivalent functionality without requiring a hard-wired circuit to the final display device.

While wireless does have its convenience, it does require careful timing to pair correctly.  Typically if both the BLE client and server are powered or reset at the same moment, they should pair.   A few or more keystrokes may be necessary to confirm pairing is complete.  If it doesn't work, just reset and try again.

Happy C64 computing over BLE!

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