Monday, September 19, 2022

HIRES for Vic-20 (BASIC 2.0 extension) is READY.


The BASIC commands are implemented, small font created, and demonstrations implemented.   Please enjoy this Space War and Omega Race inspired flying ship.

Source, disk image, and more details are on github for Commodore Vic-20 with memory expansion.

BASIC extension command syntax is:

COLOR [foreground[+8][,[background][,[border][,auxillary[,inverse]]]]]

COLOR [foreground[+8]] @ x1,y1 [TO x2,y2]


HIRES xresolution, yresolution [,fillbyte]

DELAY jiffies


PLOT [NOT|CLR] (@ x1,y1)|(TO x2,y2)...    **

PLOT 0|1|2|3 (@ x1,y1)|(TO x2,y2)...

PLOT "ABC" @ x,y [,addr [,width,height [,bytes]]]

RECT [NOT|CLR] [@] x1,y1 TO x2,y2

RECT 0|1|2|3 @ x1,y1 TO x2,y2

SHAPE GET|PUT|OR|XOR|AND|NOT|CLR addr @ x1, y1 TO x2, y2

** only first @ optional, when not multi-color