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LCDs and Windows too! |
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LCDs and Windows too! |
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Also imagine 60K RAM and 4K ROM here (oops!) |
# SWEET16 compiled for EE80 start addressEE70: 20 EA EE 68 85 1E 68 85EE78: 1F 20 7F EE 4C 79 EE E6EE80: 1E D0 02 E6 1F A9 EF 48EE88: A0 00 B1 1E 29 0F 0A AAEE90: 4A 51 1E F0 0B 86 1D 4AEE98: 4A 4A A8 B9 C8 EE 48 60EEA0: E6 1E D0 02 E6 1F BD CBEEA8: EE 48 A5 1D 4A 60 68 68EEB0: 20 F6 EE 6C 1E 00 B1 1EEEB8: 95 01 88 B1 1E 95 00 98EEC0: 38 65 1E 85 1E 90 02 E6EEC8: 1F 60 00 F7 02 9B 0B 9CEED0: 23 AD 14 B0 45 B7 4F BEEED8: 2D C7 59 D0 83 DB 6C 03EEE0: 31 E6 6E 91 1C E5 63 E5EEE8: E5 E5 85 20 86 21 84 22EEF0: 08 68 85 23 D8 60 A5 23EEF8: 48 A5 20 A6 21 A4 22 28EF00: 60 10 B3 B5 00 85 00 B5EF08: 01 85 01 60 A5 00 95 00EF10: A5 01 95 01 60 A5 00 81EF18: 00 A0 00 84 1D F6 00 D0EF20: 02 F6 01 60 A1 00 85 00EF28: A0 00 84 01 F0 ED A0 00EF30: F0 06 20 64 EF A1 00 A8EF38: 20 64 EF A1 00 85 00 84EF40: 01 A0 00 84 1D 60 20 24EF48: EF A1 00 85 01 4C 1D EFEF50: 20 15 EF A5 01 81 00 4CEF58: 1D EF 20 64 EF A5 00 81EF60: 00 4C 41 EF B5 00 D0 02EF68: D6 01 D6 00 60 A0 00 38EF70: A5 00 F5 00 99 00 00 A5EF78: 01 F5 01 99 01 00 98 69EF80: 00 85 1D 60 A5 00 75 00EF88: 85 00 A5 01 75 01 A0 00EF90: F0 E9 A5 1E 20 17 EF A5EF98: 1F 20 17 EF 18 B0 0E B1EFA0: 1E 10 01 88 65 1E 85 1EEFA8: 98 65 1F 85 1F 60 B0 ECEFB0: 60 0A AA B5 01 10 E8 60EFB8: 0A AA B5 01 30 E1 60 0AEFC0: AA B5 00 15 01 F0 D8 60EFC8: 0A AA B5 00 15 01 D0 CFEFD0: 60 0A AA B5 00 35 01 49EFD8: FF F0 C4 60 0A AA B5 00EFE0: 35 01 49 FF D0 B9 60 A2EFE8: 18 20 64 EF A1 00 85 1FEFF0: 20 64 EF A1 00 85 1E 60EFF8: 4C AE EE 00 00 00 00 00
1000: 20 00 FE A9 2A 20 70 EE
1008: 11 12 34 12 56 78 21 A2
1010: 33 00 8D F8 FF 00
20 00 FE JSR $FE00
A9 2A LDA #$2A
20 70 EE JSR $EE70
11 12 34 SET R1,$3412
12 56 78 SET R2,$7856
21 LD R1
33 ST R3
00 RTN
00 BRK
JSR $EE70 switches to SWEET16 interpretation, and these are SWEET16 instructions through RTN, before being back in 6502. The vectors are set such that a BRK will return to WozMon. ($FE00 is my specific UART initialization routine for MC6850, and storing a byte to $FFF8 will send it across the UART).
All this program does is set the R1 and R2 16-bit registers to constant values, the LD instruction loads the 16-bit accumulator from R1, then ADD R2 adds R2 to the accumulator, and the result is stored in R3 by the ST instruction. RTN returns to normal 6502 operation.
7. To run the program, enter the following into WozMon:
8. Display the results by entering
From the last two steps the output should look something like the following (blank lines added for separation)
1000R1000: 20*\0.1F0000: 68 AC 12 34 56 78 68 AC0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000008: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000018: 00 00 00 00 00 06 12 10
And the accumulator (R0) at addresses 0 and 1 now has the value $AC68 which appears to be the sum of the other two 16-bit values, with a copy also stored at R3 (addresses 6/7). The asterisk is printed to demonstrate registers being saved/restored and 6502 operation returning to normal.
That's just a quick example. Hopefully you've got a little taste of WozMon and SWEET16.
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Example run of SWEET16 |
# Commodore port of SWEET161540: 85 22 86 23 84 24 08 681548: 85 25 d8 60 a5 25 48 a51550: 22 a6 23 a4 24 28 60 001558: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 001560: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 001568: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 001570: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 001578: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 001580: 20 40 15 68 85 7e 68 851588: 7f 20 8f 15 4c 89 15 e61590: 7e d0 02 e6 7f a9 16 481598: a0 00 b1 7e 29 0f 0a aa15a0: 4a 51 7e f0 0b 86 7d 4a15a8: 4a 4a a8 b9 d8 15 48 6015b0: e6 7e d0 02 e6 7f bd db15b8: 15 48 a5 7d 4a 60 68 6815c0: 20 4c 15 6c 7e 00 b1 7e15c8: 95 61 88 b1 7e 95 60 9815d0: 38 65 7e 85 7e 90 02 e615d8: 7f 60 00 f7 02 9b 0b 9c15e0: 23 ad 14 b0 45 b7 4f be15e8: 2d c7 59 d0 83 db 6c 0315f0: 31 e6 6e 91 1c e5 63 e515f8: e5 e5 00 00 00 00 00 001600: 00 10 c3 b5 60 85 60 b51608: 61 85 61 60 a5 60 95 601610: a5 61 95 61 60 a5 60 811618: 60 a0 00 84 7d f6 60 d01620: 02 f6 61 60 a1 60 85 601628: a0 00 84 61 f0 ed a0 001630: f0 06 20 64 16 a1 60 a81638: 20 64 16 a1 60 85 60 841640: 61 a0 00 84 7d 60 20 241648: 16 a1 60 85 61 4c 1d 161650: 20 15 16 a5 61 81 60 4c1658: 1d 16 20 64 16 a5 60 811660: 60 4c 41 16 b5 60 d0 021668: d6 61 d6 60 60 a0 00 381670: a5 60 f5 60 99 60 00 a51678: 61 f5 61 99 61 00 98 691680: 00 85 7d 60 a5 60 75 601688: 85 60 a5 61 75 61 a0 001690: f0 e9 a5 7e 20 17 16 a51698: 7f 20 17 16 18 b0 0e b116a0: 7e 10 01 88 65 7e 85 7e16a8: 98 65 7f 85 7f 60 b0 ec16b0: 60 0a aa b5 61 10 e8 6016b8: 0a aa b5 61 30 e1 60 0a16c0: aa b5 60 15 61 f0 d8 6016c8: 0a aa b5 60 15 61 d0 cf16d0: 60 0a aa b5 60 35 61 4916d8: ff f0 c4 60 0a aa b5 6016e0: 35 61 49 ff d0 b9 60 a216e8: 18 20 64 16 a1 60 85 7f16f0: 20 64 16 a1 60 85 7e 6016f8: 4c be 15
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C64 running WozMon and SWEET16 |
A9 2A LDA #$2A
20 80 15 JSR $1580
11 12 34 SET R1,$3412
12 56 78 SET R2,$7856
21 LD R1
33 ST R3
00 RTN
20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2
4C 00 14 JMP $1400
Option 1: easiest, video $0400, chars $2000-$2FFF |
Option 2: least BASIC free, video $8C00, chars $A000-$AFFF |
Option 3: largest free, video $CC00, chars $F000-$FFFF |
Option 4: single charset, video $C400, chars $C800-$CFFF |